We HATE FAQ pages. They are always filled with fine print, too long, and rarely answer your question. You went to law school. At this point you have read enough fine print for a lifetime or three. Besides, are you really going to browse through all those questions and pages hoping to find the answer you seek? Be efficient about it and get the right answer. But, if you are a traditionalist and still need to rifle through questions, we’ve provided a small sample so you can get your fix.

Contact us with any questions!


Q. In which states can Legally Accurate provide CLE?

A. Presently we are providers in the following states:

  • Florida - Provider No. 280629

  • Pennsylvania - Provider No. 10704

  • Kentucky - Provider No. 8020

  • Ohio - Provider No. 18704

We are always excited to develop new programs in new states and are always adding new course approvals, so keep an eye on this list! If you would like us to develop a program for your area, contact us and we can talk about creating a program tailored to your legal education needs in your state of practice.

Q. What does a typical CLE event schedule look like and what do I need to bring?

A. Each event is different but our most popular program schedule has 50% of scheduled time in the classroom and 50% of scheduled time for a firearm workshop and is approved for eight hours of general continuing education that includes one hour of ethics. You are invited to bring writing material and any firearm related questions you’d like answered or explored in the classroom or during the workshop.


Q. Do I need to bring eye and ear protection?

A. If you have a set you like, bring them along. Eye and ear protection is required for the workshop. Prescription glasses, regular sunglasses or laboratory eye wear is typically sufficient. If you do not have any available, please let us know before the event so we can have the appropriate quantities available.

Q. I need to hire an attorney. Can Legally Accurate help me?

A. We are NOT a law firm and are not allowed to practice law, although our speakers and contributors are individually licensed to practice law. If you have a pressing civil or criminal issue, get with us and we can refer you to their specific legal practice for a consultation.

Q. Do I need to bring firearms and ammunition?

A. No. All firearms and ammunition will be provided for you at the event.

  • We prohibit any live ammunition in the classroom at all times.

  • We prohibit any loaded firearms in the classroom at all times.

  • We prohibit concealed firearms in the classroom at all times.

Q. Do I need to wear any particular clothing?

A. No low-cut clothing or open-toed footwear will be allowed as it is a safety hazard.

Please wear clothing and shoes suitable for the outdoors and bring appropriate sunscreen.

Q. What will be served at Lunch? I have dietary restrictions.

A. Our catering changes from event to event, but if you are vegan, gluten free or allergic, please let us know ahead of time and we will arrange for something suitable.

Q. I would like to get a license to carry a firearm in my state, will your CLE program meet licensing requirements?

A. Each state has different requirements for licensing, training and standards. However, all of our programs meet the State of Florida training requirements for a concealed weapon or firearm license. This will require a separate application to the Florida Division of Agriculture and Consumer Services.

The Florida Concealed Weapon License has reciprocity in 36 states and in some circumstances, it is easier to get a Florida Non-Resident CWL that has reciprocity than it is to get your local equivalent. A great example is in Kentucky, where a CCDW class offered by a state approved instructor is legally a minimum of six but no greater than eight hours and requires you to fire 20 times while under direct supervision. We can typically get you a Florida Non-Resident license with participation in any of our education programs.